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Production of the water treatment system in the mobile clean room
Clean from the start
For example, manufacturers of measuring and analysis equipment or the medical and optical industries – they all work with high-precision and sensitive products that require ultra-clean conditions for use or processing.
To ensure that no particles enter the water treatment systems during the manufacturing process, the entire production process is carried out in our mobile clean room under low-particle conditions. EnviroFALK water treatment systems ensure optimum cleaning processes while meeting the highest standards of technical cleanliness.
The process technologies used depend on the cleaning requirements, the type of contamination and the conditions on site. Water pre-treatment is carried out by means of filtration and softening, for example. In addition to desalination by reverse osmosis and electrodeionization, UV radiation and ultrafiltration ensure a low germ and endotoxin load. In order to ensure this permanently, the piping of the water treatment system is carried out using an infrared welding process (IR) before the reverse osmosis in PP.
If required, we can manufacture the entire water treatment system in PVDF using a bead and groove-free welding process (WNF).
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