Schleifgerät mit Schleifwasser Icon

Deionised water for electrical discharge machining

Process water treatment for tool and mold making

Deionized water (dielectric) is of fundamental importance as a cooling and rinsing medium for electrical discharge machining processes. This is the only way the eroding machine can produce complicated geometric shapes with precision.

Under the AQUAformtech product range, EnviroFALK develops water treatment systems that are specially tailored to the requirements of tool and mold making.

For optimum machining processes

For supplying wire-cutting machines with consistently high water quality. The medium is continuously deionized, i.e. desalinated, in the circuit using high-quality ion exchange resins. Upstream and downstream filter systems (optional) and a standard conductivity meter in traffic light LED design ensure a high level of operational reliability.

drei Ionenaustauscher in einer Halterung
Transporter von der Seite mit Ionenaustauschern aufgedruckt

Reusable instead of disposable with the EnviroFALK regeneration service

The resins regenerated by EnviroFALK for tool and mold making meet the same requirements in terms of capacity, service life and conductivity as previously used disposable resins. However, they also offer additional benefits for users and the environment. As soon as the ion exchangers have reached the point of exhaustion, the user simply has the complete AQUAform system replaced by the EnviroFALK service vehicle.

Our products for tool & mould construction


Envi GreenPURE Triton

The ultrapure water system for small requirements! The TRITON has a modular design and offers a high degree of flexibility to adapt to your specific requirements.


    AGUASAVE water treatment module

    AGUASAVE water treatment module The modules in the AGUASAVE family are suitable for systems of all sizes. From single-family homes...


      Filters & sterile filters

      Filters & fine filters Pressure-resistant filter housing made of plastic or stainless steel, incl. Filter cartridges for coarse filtration of particles...

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        Water treatment from EnviroFALK offers tangible benefits for tool and mold making

        • Precise production results thanks to optimum dielectric
        • Consistently high deionized water quality
        • Long service life of the quality ion exchange resins
        • Simple replacement or refilling of the ion exchanger cartridge – even from other manufacturers.
        • High savings potential thanks to innovative system technology
        • Individual or central supply of small, medium or large demand peaks
        • Customer and application-specific plant engineering

        Customers & Solutions

        Brinke & Breuer: Water treatment for wire EDM machines

        Brinke & Breuer relies on AQUAformtech for the production of deionised water and scores with precise results in wire erosion.

        Learn more

        News from EnviroFALK

        EnviroFALK birthday double pack

        35 years of EnviroFALK in Germany and 30 years in Switzerland - that was our anniversary celebration. mehr lesen

        Christmas will be GREEN this year!

        Our Christmas present? 500 trees that we plant together in spring. With our tree-planting campaign, we want to play our part in making our home sustainable and fit for the future. Because trees are true superheroes! mehr lesen

        Containers create more space

        Containers create more space in the short term for handling EnviroFALK water treatment plants in the standard and compact plant construction sector. mehr lesen

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