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Treatment center: pure and ultrapure water for isolation ward

Berlin treatment and competence center opts for EnviroFALK pure and ultrapure water treatment to supply isolation ward.

A hospital in Berlin is now home to one of eight supra-regional treatment and competence centers for the treatment of life-threatening, imported infectious diseases such as viral hemorrhagic fevers (VHF) in Germany. These centers have the necessary isolation treatment units. Under the direction of the RKI, Robert Koch Institute, the staff is specially trained for the tasks in the isolation ward.

The hospital in Berlin is not only a treatment facility for soldiers of a major German organization, but is also firmly integrated into the German healthcare system.

Rein- und Reinstwasseraufbereitungsanlagen

Challenge for the customer

  • Pure water treatment for decontamination autoclaves
  • Self-sufficient drinking water supply for patient rooms
  • Central pure water treatment
  • Pure water supply for decontamination and disinfection showers
  • Ring line system for pure and ultrapure water treatment under clean room conditions
  • Operational management of the entire water treatment system
zu den Verfahrenstechniken

Infection ward equipment

The infection ward provides two separate units in which patients requiring isolation can receive full care. Both patient isolation units are equipped with an airlock and a negative pressure system so that the aerogenic spread of pathogens is only possible within the patient rooms.

Lock service tasks

The airlock service not only provides assistance with the entry and exit of employees, but also takes care of material preparation, among other things.
Reusable sterilizable instruments are reprocessed in decontamination autoclaves.



Pure water for supplying decontamination autoclaves

The delicate designs of clinical instruments and individual parts require particularly careful cleaning and disinfection. Special decontamination autoclaves are used for this purpose. The water is supplied exclusively with treated water in accordance with the guidelines of DIN EN 285. The strict limit values for the pure water supply ensure that the cleaned instruments do not transmit any infections or cross-contamination. The pure water treatment systems from EnviroFALK not only comply with the limit values of the European standard DIN EN 15883 and DIN EN 285:2021-12, but even exceed them.

Björn Bubner, Product Manager, Hospital, Laboratory and Medical Technology at EnviroFALK: “We enjoy mastering challenging tasks. After all, a well-designed pure and ultrapure water supply system must be perfectly adapted to the different needs, objectives and available space. But we also know that hospitals are not just about consistently high water quality. It’s about more: the focus is on operational and supply reliability through intelligent hospital solutions that are optimally tailored to the facility structure. For example, environmentally friendly concepts that reduce water consumption and operating costs, reliable technology and, of course, a service that the hospital can trust.”


Self-sufficient drinking water supply for patient rooms via mains separation system

In addition to pure water treatment to supply the decontamination autoclaves, the experts from EnviroFALK also planned and installed a completely self-sufficient drinking water supply for the two patient rooms via a network separation system. The drinking water separation stations prevent any backflow into the drinking water pipe. This safety device in accordance with DIN EN 1717 – Category 5 protects the hospital’s entire drinking water network from contamination from the isolation ward.

Central water treatment

In addition, EnviroFALK installed the central pure water treatment system in accordance with DIN EN ISO 15883. The central water treatment system is used to store and distribute pure and ultrapure water. Thanks to the special system design, the desired water quantities and water qualities are treated in a cost- and energy-efficient manner for the individual areas of application. Such as the pure water supply for the decontamination and disinfection showers in the airlock areas.


Water technology ring main system

The experts from EnviroFALK also planned and installed the complete ring main system for pure and ultra-pure water treatment under clean room conditions, with shielding from the outside world. Furthermore, KRINKO (Commission for Hospital Hygiene and Infection Prevention) compliant filtration with terminal bacterial filters was installed for highly immunosuppressed patients.


For a perfect all-round service, EnviroFALK has been taking care of the
management of the water technology systems
. This includes the complete water management of the treatment plants for pure and ultrapure water. Beforehand, all process steps were researched in detail and the optimization potential was determined.

Operational management of the entire water treatment system. What could be better than the perfect all-round service? We take care of your water management!

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